In this article, we want to show you how you can practice your sports in harmony with nature, without disturbing the wildlife unnecessarily and without polluting the countryside.

Unfortunately, it has frequently come to our attention that there are people who enjoy nature, on the one hand, but behave inconsiderately and even leave environmentally harmful garbage in woodland, on the other.

We do not want to dictate anything to anyone with our five rules for environmentally-appropriate outdoor sports. However, we do want to give our readers food for thought and encourage them to interact with nature in a more environmentally conscious way.

We are probably not perfect either, and could still learn more.

If our article is meaningful to you and you share our point of view, you are welcome to forward it to friends and acquaintances at any time.

1. Be as quiet as possible

The hectic and noisy everyday life in the city often becomes too much for us. Too many cars, too many people, too much garbage, and too much upheaval.

To escape this enduring burden, we like to go out into the countryside and leave all our cares behind. We should try not to scream loudly during a forest run or a mountain hike, but to enjoy the peace and quiet instead. Above all, because we want to get some peace for ourselves, and also out of consideration for nature.

Animals can be disturbed by loud cries in their usually quiet environment.

2. Stay on the designated paths

Nature is a paradise and there is often the temptation to explore every remote location. However, as in ‘The Story of Creation’, it is better for us to resist temptation in order to preserve Paradise for future generations.

When we move through the countryside, we are guests in the animals’ habitat and should therefore behave like guests.

3. Travel in an environmentally-friendly way

One thing we have discovered from many years of outdoor sports: There is almost nothing worse than being stuck in a traffic jam for hours when traveling by car into the countryside.

Therefore, consider beforehand what alternatives there are to using (your own) car.

It would, of course, be best to arrive on foot or by bike. However, if this is not possible, there is often the possibility of at least using public transport or carpooling.

4. Find out about local regulations and laws

Before you begin your trip into the countryside, you should take a good look at the environmental-protection regulations and adhere to them. In Germany, the rules often vary from state to state.

You should therefore ask yourself where you can pitch your tent, if you need a special permit for a national park, and if you are allowed to light a fire.

5. Leave no traces behind

We really mean that. You should leave the countryside as if you had never been there.

Set a good example and do not leave any garbage behind.

It isn’t just plastic and aluminum which interfere with nature.

Even organic waste - such as scraps of fruit and vegetables that are not native to the area, and could change the feeding behavior of animals - has no place in the open countryside.

You should also remove traces of any campfires that have been built, as far as this is possible.

We would be delighted if you agree with us on these environmental-protection issues.

We want to protect nature and preserve it for generations to come - together with you.

If you want to make other people more environmentally aware, you are welcome to share this article on social media.

What do you think of our rules?

What else do you find important regarding conduct in the countryside?

Leave us a comment. We will answer all of them.

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